Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Composite Audit Settings

I was trying to tweak the audit settings in SOA 11g from the Enterprise Manager console. I realized that when I chose not to create audit for composite, even the instance of the composite was not created. Choose the audit level to Production when you want the instances to be created with minimal payload artifacts.

Go to the composite > Settings > Composite Audit Level : Inherit > Off.

Detailed read on settings available here. Refer to table by name "Table 1-1 Examples of Order of Precedence" under section

 I had a BPEL flow which was using the function ora:getCompositeInstanceId() to read the composite  instance id. When I set the logging off, the assign node in BPEL gave me an null pointer error. The instance id had not been generated. Also, the ora:getCompositeInstanceId() has to be used in an Assign node. I tried using it in a xslt, but the instance id did not get mapped to the output. So I think we would have no option but to use this function in an assign node.

Even in 10g, the function ora:getInstanceId() did not work in xslt. It worked when used as part of Assign node only.

Peace !


1 comment:

Mananat Trayatae iti said...

Pls do not stop blogging. Like many others I find your articles very useful. Continue writing n guiding.


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